He accepted my treat s he adored black girls
Two days ago I was driving quickly towards my house as my webcam show was scheduled to commence and I didn’t want to let those cute black girls lovers down when I had to pull over after being signaled by the police. A nice officer demanded to have a look at my car papers and informed me that 69 miles per hour is not the legal speed on that section of the road. Fortunately I had my extremely short skirt on as I was heading directly for my my webcam representation and started spreading my legs while explaining him that I usually don’t speed but that it was urgent that I got home soon. And the moment he got a good look at my pussy through my transparent thongs he understood that no money will ever be needed in paying this speeding ticket. Good for me that the naughty cop fancied black girls and surely didn’t mind this currency…Click hereto view our last show pics and hereto view our profile and find out more about us.